Info Team
- Category: Typography
- Published: Wednesday, 01 May 2013 10:09
- Written by Corrado Genova
- Hits: 2600
HR+So Team
Expertise: Specific skills in the world of school and education as a teacher and principal in primaries and high schools.
9 years of experience as educational attaché in the Italian consulate in Freiburg (Germany). Participation as a coordinator for 6 Comenius school projects, has obtained two Comenius and Arion professional training grants. Over 40 years of experience in wild water sports, 30 of which as a rafting guide trainer for the Italian Rafting Federation.
Task: Project Management and monitoring, didactical supervision of HR+S Tools..
Coordinator deputy
Jessica Genova Head of Human Rights Department at U.P.K.L. Belgium association.
Master Degree Human Rights and Multi-level Governance. Thesis: “Syrian refugees women and unaccompanied minors: going beyond hospitality in Gaziantep”.
Assistant Project Manager at Bulgarian Youth Forum (NGO); Organizing workshops about Human Rights, Volunteering, Enterprise Skills; writing an Handbook;
Mediation and reporting activities in Palestine in 2017. Working Group focus on Migration in Italian Red Cross
Teacher of Human Rights in Delhi Public School of Nashik (INDIA) – AIESEC
Task: Jessica Genova will coordinate and supervise the HR+S Tools creating, defining and editing process in collaboration with Andrea Gatti for the didactical aspects.
Task: project communication and dissemination.
Gianfranco Russo
Over 45 years experience In martial arts, 6th Duan in kung-fu wushu and Certified European Social Sport Coach. Head Department UIKWA, department of UPKL. AICS National Committee member for kung fu wushu. Italian representative for guro Dan Inosanto and sifu Francis Fong , European representative for sifu guro Nino Pilla. President of Liang Long Guan, School of traditional kung fu based in Rome since 1988. Vice President of the TBAI Thaiboxing Association of Italy for ajarn Surachai (Chai) Sirisute. AICS Martial Arts Coordinator for Rome Area.
David Pardo Navarro Working in different Martial arts center since 2004, collaborate since 2012 with the Aramis association of Sant Boi de Llobregat. Founder and chief instructor of JKDBarcelona Martial Arts in 2008, Sanctioned instructor under XTMA (Crosstraining Martial Arts) and IIMAIA (Inosanto International Martial Arts Instructors Association) is also instructor of fitness for health.
Task: David Pardo Navarro is responsible for the implementation of the project in sant Boi de Llobregat, for the contacts and collaboration with the local stakeholders and for the training of the local coaches and instructors that will be active on the project.
Aldo Piatti - Technical Manager - Judo 8th Dan - European Social Sport Coach - responsible for the Educational and Disability Projects of UPKL a.i.s.b.l.
Councilor for Sport, Youth Policies and Education of the Municipality of Bresso from 2018 to 2013.
Task: Aldo Piatti is responsible for the implementation of the project in Bresso and surrounding area, for the contacts and collaboration with the local municipality, the stakeholders and schools and for the training of the local coaches and instructors that will be active on the project.
Kaj Tepponen Head Instructor sifu/guro. Kaj has studied and taught martial arts more than 16 years. He has also a strong background in teaching children different ages. He has been running after school activities for school kids, working as substitute teacher and is still working daily in early childhood education.
Task: Kaj Tepponen is responsible for the implementation of the project in Helsinki, for the contacts and collaboration with the local stakeholders and schools and for the training of the local coaches and instructors that will be active on the project.
Corrado Genova General Secretary and Lear of UPKL